Friday, September 24, 2010

What Soda Can Drambuie Go With

Ernst Jünger - War Diary

Ernst Jünger as a soldier in World War

The DANDY-CLUB reviewed Ernst Jünger's war diary 1914-1918 . Edited by Helmuth Kiesel. Klett-Cotta Verlag 2010. 654 pages, hardback in slipcase, 32,95 €.

Ernst Junger had soon had enough of war. The senseless mass killings from their peers, 20-year men who had to kill only because they belonged to another nation, wore down the young volunteer time.

"a long time I'm at war, many a fall, I saw that was worth living for"
, he wrote on 1 December 1915 his notebooks notebook he always carried with him. And again, "What the killings and murders again and again? I fear it will be destroyed too much and there are not enough to rebuild. I'm like many before the war: down, smash the old building, the new one is definitely better. But now - it seems to me that culture and all that is great is slowly suffocated by the war. The war has awakened me to long for the blessings of peace. "

This honest self-reflection and opinion found in the just-published war diary 1914-1918, which was published by the literary scholar Helmuth Kiesel. These are the original notebooks, a total of 15 little notebook in the breast pocket format, which led the veterans each one with you. Always and forever, no matter whether he was in battle or was admitted to the hospital. Was a fully written, so he kept it after a home leave at home. It's like the Ur-text of the eventual success Storm of Steel .

But are stylized are painted, sanded for heroic prose, in the sense of flashes as the above. The literary meaning of the original publication allows Now anyone to get an idea: What felt disciples shortly after the incident? And what he (in different versions) of Bataan has shaped it?

In his emotionally authentic original recordings desperate Lieutenant disciples remembered the even then he loved France probably never meet again free:

"And I will travel to Paris and Versailles not do can look forward to not me in the land of wine and the joy, because between me and you is a wall, flows a stream of blood, blood shed, perhaps useless to overthrow million mothers in grief and misery. "For such
Feelings was in the Storm of Steel is no more room. Finally there was the Versailles Treaty, and nationalists, as disciples after the First World War, a saw in it an unjust insult to Germany. Compare

The original records with the later released to, will not interest everyone. Ernst Jünger's work and person are but steadily growing interest. The first book disciple Storm of Steel is now in the 46th Edition shipped in 2008. It has been translated into numerous languages. The French writer André Gide, not suspected to be blinded by nationalism, wrote on 1 December 1942 his diary. "The book by Ernst Junger about the war of 14 is undoubtedly the best war book I have read" is noteworthy that Gide had read a revised version but a translation of 1930. In all nationalistic passages were included.

The volume contains 450 pages of the original war diaries of over 100 pages of notes for a long post by Helmuth Kiesel of Ernst Jünger in the First World War - overview and documentation. The disciple's biographer, gives a thorough integration of the historical situation, social relationships and disciple of motivation. Those who know about the latter but just wants more, who want to get into the substance of a sense of the feeling and thinking disciple, is the recommended for supplementary reading the biography of Heimo Schwilk.

are particularly smug with the points of stylization of the raw texts of the diarist disciples of the future book authors disciples

» edition of the diary I
The language is often still too dry, it must be refreshed through dialogue.
approach to describing important sections etc. rested always use the 2-3 first morning hours.
The diary in its first form is just a frame, in the descriptions the landscape, the mood of the troops, meals, lodging, tactical training guide, and the like must be inserted. "

disciples was trying to record the experience as close as possible. Sometimes he wrote it on fire in the free minutes, sometimes it was only in the evening. The later writers summed up - its own limit of Behaltbaren reflecting - at the end of the records:

"It is remarkable how quickly obliterate the impressions take on how easy they are after a few days a different color. Fear, weakness and cowardice have been forgotten on the first calm evening, when his comrades at the Cup his experiences reported. Imperceptibly to be labeled a hero. "


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