Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Putting Your Head In Different Hair Styles

The discoverer of LSD

The discoverer of LSD, Albert Hofmann, the 95th Age with users
photographer unknown / unknown photographer

The DANDY-CLUB points to the re-release of Albert Hofmann, LSD - My Problem Child . Klett-Cotta Verlag, Stuttgart 2010, 224 pages, cloth with ribbon, € 19,90.

The more people engage in on itself, the less their lives is, at random '. Albert Hofmann, who died in April 2008, 102 years, has become exactly the same age as his friend Ernst Jünger . Both brought together by several meetings in which they tested the effect of various drugs .

The employee of the Swiss chemical company Sandoz conducted research in 1938 to a substance that stimulates the circulation. Hofmann synthesized from ergot, a grain fungus that lysergic acid diethylamide. In animals, disappointed the LSD. Hofmann and Sandoz lost interest and were looking in other directions. Five years later

, 16 April 1943 Hofmann repeated the synthesis of LSD. He came across the amazing, Halluz effect of the substance. - Hofmann must have happened with the LSD in touch. The effect inspired him to attempt a subsequent self to go to the action of the drug on the ground. "dizziness and fainting were sometimes so strong that I could no longer hold upright and had me lie down on a sofa ", the chemist, in his newly published book now LSD - My Problem Child . "My surroundings had now transformed themselves in a frightening way. It was all in the room, and the familiar objects and pieces of furniture took on grotesque, threatening forms " Hofmann its trusted neighbors wife no longer recognized: ." This was no longer Mrs. R., but an evil, insidious witch with a colored visage . "

Worse than all, however, changes in appearance, the Swiss took the Changes his mind was: "All the efforts of my will, the disintegration of the outer world and the resolution of my stay I seemed in vain. A demon had invaded me, and had taken possession of my body, of my senses and my soul possession. I jumped up and shouted, to free myself from him, but then fell back helpless on the sofa. The substance with which I had wanted to experiment, had vanquished me. She was the demon that scornfully triumphed over my will. "

The first book published in 1979, is both a review, as a kind of research diary. Hofmann ended the myth of pure chance, have discovered LSD. He describes how he deliberately Sandoz sent to the search. - Although the discovery of intoxicating and mind-expanding effects, it was unplanned.

Hofmann looks at several places in the book led to warn of careless use of LSD. He understood the work will not be an invitation to drug use - which already reflects the title. Still can

the book, the effects of different drugs without describing transfiguration. 1962 Hofmann takes in an environment with Ernst Jünger in his Wilflinger Oberförsterei psilocybin to experience the difference with LSD for himself. This followed the, Psilocybinsymposion 'extensive scientific and literary readings. "The deeper I sank into the noise, was the more strange it all. I myself was a stranger to me. Eerie, cold, senseless, nobody were lying there in a dead light places that I walked when I closed my eyes. Senseless, haunting seemed to me the environment when I opened my eyes and was trying to cling to the outside world. . The total emptiness threatened me to go down into absolute nothingness "

So it is not surprising, as Albert Hofmann's end still amazing book: A call that man should live in harmony with nature and not against it. Today's environmental protection measures remained on the surface, because of lacking the deeper insight. "cure would mean. Existential experience of an ego-inclusive deeper reality"

DANDY-CLUB-recommendation! (Not the drug - the book!)


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